Monday, September 5, 2016

Labor Day in California

Dorothea Lange, Migratory field worker picking cotton in San Joaquin Valley, California, 1938

Courtesy of Library of Congress

As this photograph reminds us, it is the toil of California’s citizens, residents, and migrants that has made our state’s economy the largest in the nation. This Labor Day we celebrate the work of Californians with images of prior Labor Day celebrations, some predictable, others not so.

Labor Day Parade, c. 1919
Courtesy of Coalinga Huron Library District
Labor Day Tree-planting Project, 1928
Courtesy of University of California, Davis
© University of California Regents

Downtown Labor Day Parade, 1936
Courtesy of Los Angeles Public Library

American Indians Actors on Float in Los Angeles Labor Day Parade, 1937
Los Angeles Times Photographic Archive, UCLA Library
© University of California Regents

Nursery School Children during Labor Day Celebration, Tule Lake War Internment Camp, 1942
Courtesy of the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley

Our Pledge, Labor Day, Sept. 7, 1942
Courtesy of the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley

One-fifth Scale Model of the Air Force Titan III Deep Space Probe Booster, Sun Valley Patriotic Rally, Labor Day, 1963
Courtesy of Los Angeles Public Library

200,000 Celebrate Labor Day at Venice Beach, 1982
Courtesy of Los Angeles Public Library

Orange County Cruisin’ Association’s Great Labor Day Cruise and Picnic, 1983
Courtesy of Los Angeles Public Library

Shelly Kale
Publications and Strategic Projects Manager

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