Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Type Tuesday - Geo. Bruce and Co.

Today we feature examples of work from one of the oldest type specimens in the Kemble Collection, the George Bruce and Company's Specimen of Printing Types and Ornaments, published in 1833. 

George Bruce had learned to cast his own type while experimenting, along with his brother David, on how to accomodate type for the stereotyping printing process. In 1818 the brothers opened their own foundry on Chambers Street in New York, with George concentrating on developing the type-founding business and David giving his attention to the stereotype process. 

David's ill-health forced him to retire from the business, and George continued on with type-founding, publishing Specimen of Printing Types and Ornaments in 1833 and making himself known among printers for his tasteful designs. 

Jaime Henderson,

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