Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Type Tuesday - Rudolf Koch's Eve Series

Last Tuesday we featured Rudolf Koch's Kabel series, a straightforward type displayed by European Typefounders Inc. in decidedly male adverstisements. Today we feature another of Koch's designs, Eve (commonly known as Antiqua, but offered in the United States as Eve) also made available by European Typefounders Inc. 

Eve featured a curvier, more embellished font. Eve italic looked almost like cursive writing. In fact, Koch Antiqua Kursiv, created at the same time as the Eve/Antiqua series, but not shown in the specimen featured today, included oversized capital letters with floral decorative touches. 

Like the Kabel series, the adverstisements displaying the Eve font were geared toward a specific audience. A more feminine font than Kabel, the advertisements featured homegoods, romantic fashions and an emphasis on beauty. 

Jaime Henderson,

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