Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Type Tuesday - Periodicals

One of the many treasures held within the California Historical Society's Kemble Collection on Western Printing and Publishing is a vast collection of periodicals on printing, lithography, graphic design, typography, book collecting and many more subjects that have to do with the print and publishing industries. Both national and international periodicals are available and range from early publications from the 19th century to the mid-century modern graphic design magazines from the 1960s. While these periodicals are highly valuable for their research content, I think their usefulness as inspiration for new design is truly invaluable! Just take a look at this feature, "An Alphabet of Litho-Graphics" from the Fall 1965 issue of Lithopinon: The graphic arts and public affairs journal of Local One, Amalgamated Lithographers of America. 

Periodicals can be accessed in the CHS library, open Wednesday through Friday from 12 -5. Need some inspiration? C'mon by and visit us!

Jaime Henderson,

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