Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Type Tuesday - Intertype Corporation's Weiss Types

E.R. Weiss (pictured above) would have liked you to know that he was "first and foremost, a painter," as the image above clearly indicates. Though he should not have downplayed his talent as a type designer for the Interype Corporation. Weiss designed the characters seen below, and named the font after himself.

According to Intertype, Weiss type demonstrates "a gracious air - an easy, limpid flow" and was ideal "for the advertisement where dignity should be combined with a mellow and humanistic tone." Below are examples of Weiss type used in adversting geared toward the most lady-like of consumers - Bon-Ton department stores and Magda Ardell's Roller, a product dedicated to "tam[ing] the most difficult or intractable silhouette."

Jaime Henderson

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