Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Type Tuesday - Mackenzie and Harris, Inc.

Mackenzie and Harris, Inc. were certainly proud when they announced themselves as the type headquarters for the Pacific Coast in 1930!

Originally established by George W. Mackenzie in 1915 and known as the Monotype Composition Company, it was the first to offer Monotype in San Francisco. In 1924 Mackenzie partnered with Carroll Harris, an avid collector of type, to form Mackenzie and Harris, Inc. The company supplied type to highly regarded San Francisco printers such as  John Henry Nash, Lawton Kennedy, Robert and Edwin Grabhorn and Taylor and Taylor and became the sole agents to its Pacific Coast customers of Continental types and Bauer types. This brightly colored announcment lists only some of the type fonts offered by the company and illustrates Mackenzie and Harris struttin' their stuff as the big shots of type on the Pacific Coast. 

Along with this announcement we include a handy guide to the Nomenclature of Type, brought to you by none other than Mackenzie and Harris, Inc. 

Jaime Henderson,

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