Wednesday, August 15, 2012

100th Birthday of Julia Child

In honor of Julia Child, we selected a few items from our collection for your enjoyment…

Menu from the Hotel and Café de Paris in Los Angeles. Note that their rules were strict: ladies were prohibited from smoking, an extra napkin cost $.05, and don’t even think about asking for a specific seating location... Do you think Julia would have approved? (From the 19th century menu collection)

Starting in the 19th century, San Francisco’s Old Poodle Dog Restaurant was long famous for providing quality French cuisine. (From the Business Ephemera collection)

Receipts from San Quentin Prison’s Commissary Department. If you were unlucky enough to be inside, it looks like you probably would dine on lamb—but chances are, the prison chefs weren’t up to Julia’s culinary standards, and your meals would reflect this. (From MS 3442)

- Eileen Keremitsis, Reference Staff

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